Tuesday 30 April 2019

Ochre-like sunrise.

Heavily shopped (to make it more correct, it was Corel, not Photoshop), of course. Clear weather is unfavourable to landscape photography, the only option it leaves us is applying several tricks with optics and software.

Waiting. f13, 1/3s, CPL + gradient blue.
Just before the sunrise. f13, 1/4s, CPL + what? I don't remember, it looks like gradient grey. The next one was taken with a skylight as sky looks more violet.
Glimmering light.  f13, 1/4s, CPL + skylight L1A. A violet spot on the top is the skylight filter's effect. I hope, it will work better with a full-frame camera, so everything will be taken again next winter. 
First sunrays. f14, 1/2s, CPL + gradient grey.
Day has begun.  
An adjacent spot, here shooting conditions are obvious to have been extreme. Too bright and totally empty sky. f14, 1/8s, CPL + gradient grey.

Pink sunrise.

Actually that didn't look so pink as here, filters, especially skylight produce this effect.
f11, 1/5s, CPL + gradient grey.
f11, 1/2s, CPL+skylight L1A.
 f13, 1/3s, CPL + gradient blue.

Umber-like dawn.

Let's make like that. A couple of filters and a bit of skills.

f11, 1/3s, CPL + gradient grey.
 f11, 1/3s, CPL + slylight L1A.
 f11, 1/5s, CPL + gradient grey.
The latter one is obviously gloomy. Quite correct, like everything here.

Relics of an ancient civilization.

Years ago this area seems to have been populated by homo sapiens sapiens.