Monday 8 January 2018

Olyeshi village.

The previous year I had the only chance to visit this place as road conditions proved beyond any psychiatric norm limits. Also, weather was unstable – the extensive clouds moving very slowly created unpleasant obstacles. The result you will see now. Nonetheless the series has its right to exist and may be displayed without any risk of entailing any shame unlike the previous one. Everything was taken in the manual mode with a couple of filters. I can’t remember the details, those were either CPL+gradient grey or CPL+skylight (L1A or L1Bc) – my typical combinations for landscape purposes. 

First sunrays making their way through northern clouds:

A view from the village hall emergency exit:

A former shop and residential housing: 

The village hall again, some efforts were needed to vivify the picture: 



This shot was named "Memories", since there is no remotest hope for revival any time ever: 

Belated spring, worse, I arrived too early: 

The same view after the sky cleared up, direction – westward:

Sun is higher:

Eastward view from the bridge: 

To resume in summer. 

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