Tuesday 3 November 2020

An autamnal day in Tervenichi.

That was an accidental, totally unplanned trip. Everything went on exactly as the previous time : having felt that I lost all strength to keep on driving along the main road I took a turn to Alekhovshchina to avoid anything worse. Of course, dropped in Tervenichi on my way back. The weather should be said seemed the most inclement for the landscape photography and that is technically true as drizzling hampered to change lenses and covered them with droplets, but the result proved the opposite of what I expected. 

A downstairs view with the Life-giving Spring chapel, standard lens, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:

The same view, f11, 1/20s, a bit different polarization:
The Intercession of The Holy Theotocos church (center) and partly the Assumption Refectory church (right), standard lens, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:
The same view with a bit different focal distance and polarization:
The Assumption Refectory church, upstairs view, f11, 1/20s, CPL filter:
Chapels view, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:
Upstairs view, f11, 1/10s, CPL filter:
The same shot, but something shifted:
The Life-giving Spring chapel, standard lens, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:
A view from a field, f11, 1/10s, CPL filter:
Chapels (actually the second one isn't a chapel, that is for ablutions), f11, 1/10s, CPL filter:
The same view, f11, 1/15s:
A general view from the chapels, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:
The same view with an AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:
Upstairs view with The Assumption church in the center, AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:
The Assumption church, AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:
Downstairs view, AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/20s, CPL filter:
The Intercession of The Holy Theotocos church, AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/20s, CPL filter:
The Assumption church from behind an altar, AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/10s, CPL filter:
A closer view, f11, 1/15s:
The Assumption church and nunnery shop as seen from the central road, AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/20s, CPL filter:
The Intercession of The Holy Theotocos church main entrance, AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:
The Intercession of The Holy Theotocos church southern view, AIS Nikkor 28 mm, f11, 1/15s, CPL filter:

1 comment:

  1. That is too burdensome providing individual links to all images of the series, here is a link to my entire album "Tervenichi" at Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/145110086@N08/albums/72157689405436863
