Friday 6 November 2020

Autumn in Somino.

Nothing special, otherwise I should have come here in morning or evening, the series was a by-product of our coming there to close an exhibition.

Just a village view with the St. Peter and Paul church in the center.

 St. Peter and Paul church, standard lens, CPL filter.

St. Peter and Paul church, AIS Nikkor 28 mm lens, CPL filter.

By the way, that traditional WC in the right corner my be a composition element.

A couple or rural views taken with the standard lens and CPL filter.

The last three images were taken from another side of the river, here I forgot what filters were used in the first case: either CPL or grad.grey. Cannot identify, though typically they are recognizable. 

Nikkor 28 mm + CPL: 

Nikkor 28 mm + skylight L1A, hence is that blue sky:

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