Friday 8 February 2019

Again day and night series.

All images were taken on the same road in the Volozhba valley.

Day and night, sun and moon. F11, 1/2s, CPL+skylight L1A.
The same, but with an altered filters’ set: CPL+gradient grey.
Day and night. A view of the Volozhba valley from a hill between Mozolyovo and Pustaya Glina (Empty Clay in English) villages.
As for this panorama, I’m not prone to consider it successful. Counterlight inevitably produces two problems: too sharp colours and overexposure. They are solvable, but something should be sacrificed. Too dark, otherwise we would have obtained a blank overexposed spot where sun is not fully covered by clouds. F11, 1/4s, CPL+gradient grey.

The previous series is here

Monday 4 February 2019

The Intercession of the Theotokos nunnery in Tervenichi.

Series were made in summer 2017 and 2018 and merged for publication, since the first one couldn’t be successful as we arrived to the village at 14 o’clock. Lighting condition on a hill in midday were far from being tolerable, so it was decided to refrain from publishing the earlier shots before making something more proper in morning or evening. An opportunity turned up on 1st September 2018.

Waiting for dawn. 5.49, f11, 1/3s, CPL+gradient grey.  
The same 5.50.
Another white balance, 5.52, f11, 1/2s.
Gradient blue, 5.53, f11, 0,62s, CPL+gradient blue filters.
First rays. F13, 1/8s, CPL+gradient grey.
Another focal distance, the same settings.
Another view from a hill. F13, 1/8s, CPL+gradient grey.
Clear geometry. F13, 1/10s, CPL+gradient grey.
A new day has begun. F13, 1/15s, CPL+gradient grey.
Right on arrival. F10/1/2s, CPL plus possibly gradient grey – I don’t remember. An objectionable shot as cropped camera limitations don’t allow taking high quality night views. We have what we have.
Now the earlier series taken in August 2017.

Frozen mirror. F14, 1/60s, CPL+skylight L1A.
Frozen mirror, F14, 1/50s, CPL+gradient grey.
Marble-like landscape. F14, 1/50s, CPL plus something else.
Despite certain doubts concerning their publication, it was eventually decided to publish this couple of panoramas. A total fail in terms of lighting conditions, nonetheless may they exist.

Fields and hills, f14, 1/50s, CPL+skylight L1A. Very large file, clickable, but not on a slow connection.
The lake. F14, 1/60s, CPL+skylight L1A.

Saturday 2 February 2019

Feel the difference.

A sunrise series from a good observation spot.

Right before the sunrise, 6.54. f11,1/2s, CPL+skylight. 
6.56, f11, 1/4s, CPL+skylight.
Sunrays touching upon roofs, 6.58. f11, 1/3s, CPL+skylight. Filters could be replaced in the meantime, I’m unsure what density was used in the first, second and third panoramas.
First touch of sunrays, 7.01. f13, 1/3s, CPL+gradient grey. Feel the difference between skylight and gradient grey filters. 
7.03, f13, shutter speed 1/2, CPL+gradient blue.

In addition to this, not relevant though. Just have no idea where it could be adjoined.
Clear evening. F11, 1/25s, CPL+gradient grey.

Industrial landscape. Sunsets, sunrises and fumes.

The entire series were taken approximately at the same spot near Pikalyovo-2 station. Arranged more or less disorderly, regardless of a season and time.

August 2016, f14, 1/4s, CPL+gradient grey:
Northerly wind, f9, 1/6s, CPL+gradient grey, January 2017:
Westerly wind, f13, 1/6s, CPL+gradient grey, February 2017:
Morning, f14, 1/10s, CPL+gradient grey, March 2017:
Evening, westerly wind, f11, 1/6s, CPL+gradient grey, March 2018:
The same a bit later:
Morning, f13, 1/6s, something wrong with processing, on one hand, lighting conditions are quite fit, nonetheless the spot is rather of all not the best: 

Day and night panoramic series.

The Pink Hill (on the left).

A funny moment, the hill actually looks pink. I have no idea of the toponym’s history, as far as I remember myself, it has always been covered by old spruces, so why pink? The only rational explanation is how it’s seen from the station in a dusk. F11, 1/2s, CPL+gradient grey, direction – south.

The composition should be admitted to be wrong or even absent, nonetheless there was no other option. A set of filters was as usual: CPL+gradient grey. F11, 1/4s, direction – north-west. 

Previous series from here:

Friday 1 February 2019

Evening sketches in Ryadan’ valley.

While sun is setting. 

Last minutes before the sunset. They aren’t identical, the difference is in a shutter speed (1/4 vs 1/2s) and focal distance, a set of filters is traditional (CPL+gradient grey): 

Now it’s all over, only fumes are sunlit (f11, 1/2s, CPL+gradient grey):
Dissipated light, f10, 1/2s, CPL+gradient grey: 
The same a bit later:
A couple of older stitches (2 shots each) should be added here. Taken from another side of the valley in March 2017:
The difference is in filters: the first was taken with a gradient grey, the second with a skylight L1A.

Another direction, the spot is approximately 15 m away from the first one. The last rays, f10, 1/2s, CPL+gradient grey:
Sun has just set, settings unchangeable:
Made pink, heavily shopped:
The end: