Friday 1 February 2019


Let’s continue the series, started here and here
This time I was more successful in terms of shooting conditions, despite a hellish road and unacceptably high risk of a suspension damage on a night road. 

A rare luck, I should daresay, praising myself. The village center, f11, 1/4s, CPL+gradient grey:

A bridge across Kolp’ (soft “p”) river, southward view, f11, 1/8s, CPL+gradient grey:

Remains of an old bridge:

Upstream (eastward) view, minutes before the sunset, f11, 1/4s, CPL+gradient grey:

Downstream (westward) view, the sunset, f11, 1/10s, CPL+gradient grey (heavily shopped):

The same a bit later:

The horizon line is right here – that’s just a river’s turn southwards. 

A surprise. The shot was taken from a former municipality building emergency exit, nothing interesting on its own, but here we see how a gloomiest subject can be turned into something strange (stitched): 

The same with another focal distance: 

f11, 1/2s, CPL+gradient grey in either case. 

A couple of shots taken on my way to Olyeshi 40 minutes earlier.

A bridge across Kolp’ river, upstream view, f11, 1/10s, CPL+gradient grey: 

Downstream view, the same settings: 

Yeah, an unfit place – always shady.

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