Saturday 2 February 2019

Industrial landscape. Sunsets, sunrises and fumes.

The entire series were taken approximately at the same spot near Pikalyovo-2 station. Arranged more or less disorderly, regardless of a season and time.

August 2016, f14, 1/4s, CPL+gradient grey:
Northerly wind, f9, 1/6s, CPL+gradient grey, January 2017:
Westerly wind, f13, 1/6s, CPL+gradient grey, February 2017:
Morning, f14, 1/10s, CPL+gradient grey, March 2017:
Evening, westerly wind, f11, 1/6s, CPL+gradient grey, March 2018:
The same a bit later:
Morning, f13, 1/6s, something wrong with processing, on one hand, lighting conditions are quite fit, nonetheless the spot is rather of all not the best: 

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