Friday 8 February 2019

Again day and night series.

All images were taken on the same road in the Volozhba valley.

Day and night, sun and moon. F11, 1/2s, CPL+skylight L1A.
The same, but with an altered filters’ set: CPL+gradient grey.
Day and night. A view of the Volozhba valley from a hill between Mozolyovo and Pustaya Glina (Empty Clay in English) villages.
As for this panorama, I’m not prone to consider it successful. Counterlight inevitably produces two problems: too sharp colours and overexposure. They are solvable, but something should be sacrificed. Too dark, otherwise we would have obtained a blank overexposed spot where sun is not fully covered by clouds. F11, 1/4s, CPL+gradient grey.

The previous series is here

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