Tuesday 5 January 2021

Ivanov Bor.

The village is like any other one of its kind, the only landmark here is the Peter and Paul bridge across Sheksna opening large vistas northwards and southwards. Here I publish results of two trips separated by one year. In October 2019 weather conditions proved extreme, not just to say unfavourable for landscape photography, so I had refrained from processing and publishing those shots till making a new, more successful series, from the same observation spots. On 2.10.2020 better opportunities turned up, though a clear sky is not a desirable option anyway. Here I merged both series. That would be excellent taking panoramic images here at dusk, but I have typically driven by this place either in a midday or too late, even at night. May be, if a time gap turns up some day.

St. Peter and Paul bridge view from a former ferry pier:

The cruise ship "Alexander Pushkin" is approaching. The ship was built in 1974 in Austria and still operational.

A northward view from the pier:

 A warm picture:

A series of northward views from the bridge:

A series of southward views. The first pano is overtly unsuccessful, but may it exist. In 2020 better images were taken:

The southern part of Ivanov Bor:

The album "Ivanov Bor" at Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/145110086@N08/albums/72157717731842801

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