Thursday 14 January 2021

The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple nunnery.


It’s something like an addition to my series of morning landscapes of Svirskoye as the set was taken on my way back from there. Of course, lighting is already more day-like since sun had risen 4 hours earlier, but not a midday one, and as we see, I managed to get deep contrasts and clear outlines and evaded counterlight. 

f14, 1/40s, standard lens, CPL filter.

 f14, 1/60s, CPL filter.

Standard lens, f14, 1/40s, CPL filter. 

Nikkor AIS 28 mm, f16, 1/40s, CPL filter.

A general view of the nunnery: 

A full album with winter and summer photos:

Tuesday 5 January 2021



Here I had to merge four series taken in 2019 and 2020, since all contained images of various quality. On 21.07.2019 I just tested my new camera, partly unaware of its settings, so evening shots in a slight mist over a lake proved questionable. The issue was in processing them like water colours. On the other hand, as I stayed there till midnight, I got a rare opportunity to take shots of a monastery complex in dusk. In my arrogant opinion, more than successful. Later, on 29.08.2019, I wasn’t alone, that was a trip with passengers in a daytime without any possibility to stay till night. Here a counterlight was the main obstacle. On October 5th weather conditions proved nut just unfavourable, but extreme with cold wind and running clouds, and of course, I have no idea how to take shots of quickly running clouds with a slow shutter speed. The second issue in conditions like those is a polarization angle (CPL filter is meant), the third – white balance. Eventually, in October 2020 weather gave an opportunity, but time was limited. 

Testing the camera: 

Here is what I got in October 2019, with running clouds and constantly changing lighting:
Next, an adjacent position, from a square: 

Lastly, on 2.10.2020, soft clouds favoured me and here I got everything I need:

St. Nilus of Sora church. That is strongly advisable taking something like 16 mm lens for full-size matrix cameras, 24 mm one isn't enough.

Water colours. Both spots are swampy, I doubt anyone sane could be able to reach them in ordinary shoes.  No alternative images, since later I had no time to go there.

Now night has come. The monastery complex as seen from a parking spot below. Nikkor AIS 28 mm was used in all series:

Gradient blue filter:

The same taken in October 2019:

Lastly, October 2020, ideal conditions, but I had no time to wait till a complete sunset:

The monastery complex from inside, daytime only: 

An interesting moment, heavily shopped, of course:

Panoramic view:

Looking through an arc:

Panoramic views of a lake. In fact it's one lake, separated into western and eastern parts with different names:

A sunset over Borodayevskoye lake. No place to get hidden from the counterlight. CPL filter, standard lens. 

Vertical perspective:

A series of panoramic views of Ferapontovo:

Another view from below, from another side:

October 2019, running clouds:

Made that again in 2020 with better results: 

Something to complete with. Spasskoye (alternatively Paskoye) lake:

If something is omitted here, try searching there: