Thursday 14 January 2021

The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple nunnery.


It’s something like an addition to my series of morning landscapes of Svirskoye as the set was taken on my way back from there. Of course, lighting is already more day-like since sun had risen 4 hours earlier, but not a midday one, and as we see, I managed to get deep contrasts and clear outlines and evaded counterlight. 

f14, 1/40s, standard lens, CPL filter.

 f14, 1/60s, CPL filter.

Standard lens, f14, 1/40s, CPL filter. 

Nikkor AIS 28 mm, f16, 1/40s, CPL filter.

A general view of the nunnery: 

A full album with winter and summer photos:

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